Partnership Needs

Below you will find information from our invaluable partners on ways in which you can get involved in advocacy and service as we seek to care for vulnerable children. Please read through the needs that our partners have shared with us and see if there are any which you feel the Lord inviting you to meet.

Life Advocacy

Verity Pregnancy & Medical Resource Center - Provides free medical, educational, and support services to women and men facing unplanned pregnancies.

1) Gas cards
2) Baby toiletries
3) Baby clothes up to 12 months
4) Full-time nurse
5) Volunteers

Pregnancy Resource Center of Southwest Florida - Provides clear and truthful medical-based pregnancy confirmation and education for men and women facing unplanned pregnancies.

1) Gas cards
2) Target & Walmart gift cards
3) Diapers & wipes
4) Diaper bags
Register for the Walk for Life on 12/4/2021



One More Child (previously Porchlight) - Bringing healing and hope to child victims of domestic human trafficking.

1) Full size toiletries
2) Restaurant & store gift cards in smaller amounts ($5/$10)
3) Stocking stuffers for teens & young adults

Wings of Shelter - Providing education and prevention of human trafficking, as well as restoration for victims.

1) Toiletry items
2) Financial donations to purchase a new home for our rescued victims
3) Caregiver staff for our safe house

Into the Jordan - Christ-centered counseling and wellness program for trafficked and exploited women.

1) Paper towels
2) Hygiene items/deodorant
3) $10 gas cards
4) Bus passes
5) Toilet paper

Path 2 Freedom - Creating hope and healing for child survivors of human trafficking.

1) Laundry detergent
2) Paper products (paper towels, toilet paper, napkins )
3) Money for transition housing and for program


Caring for Kids

One More Child - Provides Christian homes for children in foster care.

1) Gift cards for all ages/both genders
2) Stocking stuffers (gender neutral)
3) Funding for kitchen remodel for our campus home
4) Diapers

Better Together - Serving families who are in a temporary crisis.

1) Host families
2) Mentors
3) Financial donations



Lifeline Children’s Services - Adoption and orphan care ministry.

1) Child sponsorships of orphans in other countries
2) Birthmother gift bags
3) Funding for scholarships, for parent coaching, & for education services
4) Financial donations for Vessels of Hope


Global Orphan Care

Living Hope - (Mexico) - Providing for at-risk children, youth, and families; also training the next generation of leaders.

1) $500 for undergarments
2) $700 for pants for teens
3) $1,000 for shoes
4) End of year campaign (bless staff- $10,000, pave roads- $20,000, University tuition for students of Esperanza Viva- $20,000)

Village of Hope Uganda - Serving children of war by providing education, hope, and empowering change in the community and country.

1) Prayer warriors to sign up and join team
2) COVID relief fund
3) University tuition


Local Advocacy

Guardian ad Litem - Court advocates for neglected or abused children in our community.

1) Volunteers to be trained as Guardian ad Litems
2) Financial donations for cribs, beds, clothing, sports, uniforms, tutoring
3) Gift cards for children’s birthdays


Summit Church

Summit Church Wrap-Around Care - Serves families and individuals from Summit who are involved in directly caring for vulnerable children.

1) Volunteer to bring meals to families who bring a child into their home
2) Volunteer as a respite care provider
3) Volunteer to babysit for foster families

To donate items, please connect directly with the ministry making the request by clicking their name and visiting their website. For more info contact

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